Visiting Stonehenge

6:45 AM — what time my Saturday started. I woke up, got dressed and ate breakfast, and walked out of my flat in the pitch dark. It felt like 3 AM really since the sun wasn't up and the campus was dead silent. Today was the day I'd take a solo journey to visit Stonehenge and the Roman Baths. (Roman Baths post coming up next!)

I took the Tube over to Victoria station, the furthest I'd ventured out so far (in general and by myself), where I met up with the tour group I decided to join. I figured there was no way I'd be able to get to Stonehenge myself so why not? (If anyone in the area is interested, Golden Tours is the company I did my tour with - it's a good combination of free time to explore by yourself plus walking tour and information so I'd highly recommend. Also have student discounts!) I made a new friend on the tour to hang out with all day as well - take one day (or a few!) to venture off by yourself to see the sights :)

A 1.5 hour bus ride later, we arrived at the Stonehenge site. A little bus takes you down the road to where the actual site is. It's all out in the country side with rolling hills, green grass, and lots and lots of crows. It was a cold and foggy day. I walked around the stone circle, admiring it from every possible angle. Even though it was the same thing, the view was different every time. It only took about 30 minutes to walk around the whole circle, but it was an experience like no other.

Back near the Stonehenge Museum were Neolithic huts, where museum workers showed us things people back then would use. For example, a snow boot consisted of different furs and hairs from several animals sewn together to insulate their feet and they used bones from animals as tools - an antler was whittled down to create a sharp point with which they dug a 6 foot deep trench around the stone circle.


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